Sunday, October 30, 2011

Candida Treatments for the Sinuses - Adding New Antifungals

!±8± Candida Treatments for the Sinuses - Adding New Antifungals

A friend requested me to discuss about candida treatments for the sinuses. After six months on a strict candida diet and antifungals (rotation of GSE, oregano oil extract, caprylic acid, cinnamon oil, acidophilus, and flax seed oil), he is free of his leaky gut syndrome and has greatly reduced the impact of Candida on his system. But, he is unable to free himself of it in the sinus areas. He has a problem just on one side and gets swelling around his left ear and base of his neck if he eats even the least bit of moldy food (nuts, etc).

He has had this problem on and off for six years, but the swelling up and ear ringing have not left him now for the past two and a half years. The problem greatly increased when he began use of a steroid nasal spray up to the point at which he could smell nothing in his nasal passages except yeast. He has tried grapefruit seed extract and colloidal silver as well (reluctantly, because he is very concerned of its safety although it seems to be extremely effective) for quite some time and still is not close to ridding himself of it. He requested help on this or at least refer him to someone who might be able to solve it.

I would personally think if you still have it, you would find something new to add to your antifungals. There is a one a day garlic pill that is wonderful to be added. I also had sinus for years and after I started having many die-offs it was healed, so I would continue and I believe it would go away. You may also use a Vicks Personal Steam Inhaler made by KAZ model V1200 and put 1-2 drops of tea tree oil in the water. It works great.

If you are seriously interested in approaching your candida problem on an individual basis, then I would suggest you having online evaluation. It is not expensive and the treatment prescribed would be specific to each individual according to his/her needs. It is quite sad to read how very many treatments people have tried without success. Yes, you and many others sound so desperate in your attempt to find the answer. Why not try Biochemic Medicine? You have nothing to lose.

Candida Treatments for the Sinuses - Adding New Antifungals

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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Substance Abuse

!±8± Substance Abuse

Substance abuse is very common in today's culture. There are many different substances that are abused. The most common abused substances are illegal street drugs and alcohol followed by prescription pills and medications. Technically speaking, most anything can be abused if it is taken excessively and without caution or consideration to the suggested directions. Even over the counter medications can be abused. It usually when unseen potential for dependence or abusive behaviors arise out of the general population that the authorities step in and begin to restrict its use.

A good example of this is Vicks inhalers. When the inhalers first hit the market they quickly became a popular item among addicts. Not just for the mild rush they would get from one use but the ability to extract certain amphetamine chemicals from them. Since then, Vicks has redistributed a similar inhaler that no longer contains these chemicals. But the use of Vicks inhalers alone does not usually lead to the extreme behaviors associated with other abused substances.

Substance Abuse can take two different forms: (a) the recreational, not yet addicted individual who continues until they either stop or become (b) the addict who is using and abusing substances to maintain a false level well being.

In the beginning of substance abuse, a common thought is, "I can stop whenever I want to". When in reality they can't. These people usually continue on until they have passed the point of no return and find themselves in the middle of a full blown addiction. By this time, it is too late for them to ever recover control, though brief periods of control may temporarily arise. They will sway back and forth between control and no control, ultimately bingeing for days, weeks, and in extreme cases months or years.

Substance abuse is where addiction takes root and is cultivated and grown. Once the addiction has control, there is little hope for the afflicted individual in ever recovering by themselves. Unless they accept outside help, the addicted individual will probably continue on until everyone and everything around them is gone and they have no where else to go. When this happens, the individual has two choices: (1) Continue on into prison or death or (2) Accept help and save their own lives.

Substance abuse is flirting with disaster. Some consider it a form of Russian roulette. A person never knows when the substance abuse will crossover and turn into a full blown addiction. And by then, hope for the individual to ever be what they once were, "a casual user", will never be again. They have been changed forever. Once an alcoholic always an alcoholic rings true here. The now addicted person will experience countless negative consequences as a direct result of their addicted behaviors until they are willing to accept help and make the change for themselves.

As it has been said, Substance Abuse is the beginning and continuing end of addiction and addictive behaviors. If you or someone you know is abusing a substance of any kind, support them in seeking the help they need. Manor House Recovery Center is equipped with all the resources needed to assist an addicted person in achieving a sober and happy life.

Substance Abuse

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Monday, October 24, 2011

Our Top Five Insights Into Consumer Healthcare Trends in 2009

!±8± Our Top Five Insights Into Consumer Healthcare Trends in 2009

Our top five insights of 2009 that proved correct...

The H1N1 Flu "Pandemic": Our prediction of the progress and severity of the 2009 H1N1 flu proved better than most governmental health agencies and media outlets. We predicted that the flu's progress would best be prognosticated by the 1977 H1N1 outbreak. In both 1977 and 2008-09 H1N1 abruptly reappeared after years of absence as it shifted both genetically and demographically affecting younger age groups. The attack rate and virulence (severity) of these new strains did not cause the expected morbidity and mortality well beyond the typical annual range. Concern was ramped up by the WHO and others who repeatedly referenced the pandemics of 1918, 1957 [H2N2] and 1968 [H3N2] and a doomsday scenario.

Sanofi Buys A Sales Force & Trade Channel: Sanofi's purchase of Chattem was the subject of a OTCPN press release offering insights not found elsewhere. We see this marriage of convenience as part of Sanofi's global tactical plan to bolt-on acquisitions of various OTC (and Rx) companies worldwide thereby downshifting the risk profile of their corporate portfolio. Nevertheless, the primary purpose of the Chattem purchase is as a conduit to sell OTC Allegra into the US trade. We remain skeptical that this unusual partnership of big Europharma and a thin, opportunistic Southern brand acquirer, while accretive, will result in long term synergies beyond their cash-rich balance sheet, high gross margins, and immediate access to the trade channel.

P&G's Healthcare Product Failures: Early in 2009 we perceived a systemic problem affecting the quality and design of P&G's healthcare products. Sure enough P&G didn't disappoint as they blundered into a string of self-inflicted, corroborating examples of this predilection.

Tylenol's Vulnerability: Up until recently J&J's Tylenol was the Tiger Woods of analgesics - squeeky clean and brillently effective. In 2009 the hidden vulnerabilities of the brand, that were always known to insiders, began to expose themselves. Tylenol suffered a series of bad press moments including a sweeping FDA mandate to reduce the drug's dose exposure across the board. We saw this coming, but not the later plant contaminations, nor the reports of unexpected effects on the immune system and asthma.

Topical Analgesic Patch Uncertainty: Early in the year we pointed out that the pending FDA external analgesic monograph closure and the judicial docket of the LecTec patent infringement suit had the potential to disrupt the analgesic patch category. On the legal front we strongly favored the plaintiff, which proved correct, as several of the co-defendants settled with LecTec. One defendant (Chattem) is now acquired by deeper pockets (Sanofi) while one other remains {J&J]. On the regulatory front we were also correct in predicting pending monograph closure and that the FDA would balk at giving patches a free pass by inclusion.

[Dr. Riker is a former Associate Director, Personal Healthcare at Procter & Gamble, and Chattem's last Vice President of R&D & Chief Scientific Officer. He was a key player in the creation of Chattem's R&D capability, the Rx/OTC switch of Prilosec, the Vicks Inhaler recall, CHPA's defense of topical patches, and the clinical evaluation of anti-histamines in OTC colds and allergy products]

Our Top Five Insights Into Consumer Healthcare Trends in 2009

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